So I'm currently working on the chapter of my thesis that includes City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. Before I say anything at all, remind me never to use a novel that I absolutely love for textual analysis for academic purposes ever again!!
I love the creative concept behind this novel, I love the characters, I love Clare's writing style. The Mortal Instruments series would have to be one of the best YA finds that i've come across in a long time, so why oh why did I decide to use it for my thesis?
Alec and Magnus are, what my supervisor refers to, as secondary characters. Alec is a teenage Showdowhunter and Magnus is a very old Warlock. Anyway, it's hinted at, right from the moment that Magnus is introduced into City of Bones that he's gay. And, if you look very closely at the text (which is what textual analysis is all about), the signs that he's also interested in Alec are also there.
I've been talking to my supervisor about their relationship (which I absolutely adore, by the way, and I hope we get more of in the next installment) and she wants me to turn Magnus into a pedophile! God help me, I don't want to! I like Magnus. A lot. I tried explaining to her that Magnus actually looks 19 or so, and it's kind of like the same situation that happened in Buffy between her and Angel. No one thought that was gross or inappropriate. In fact, the entire audience was cheering them on. So what makes it so different with Magnus and Alec. Is it just because they're both guys? Well I say that sucks!
It looks like my thesis is going to highlight that even though YA writers are starting to include gay characters in their hero narratives, the characters are created by a world of homophobia, and said homophobia only hinders their case for liberation. So, what I want to know is... if its ok for a 16 year old, blonde American beauty to have sex with a 300-year-old hot American vampire, then why is it not ok for a 16 year-old American boy to have sex with a 300-year-old, hot American Warlock?
Not that we even really know if they've had sex. They probably haven't. But I say, go Alec, go!
Pedophilia? Pfft. I think not.
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