Sunday, July 13, 2008

We All Fall Down - Matthew (Matt) Brewster

This is a picture of the actor Steven Strait. This is pretty much how I've always pictured my Matt in We All Fall Down. Only, in my fictional world, he has slightly lighter hair (without the red flicks) and it's also slightly shorter than shown in the picture here. Oh, and he doesnt wear a leather jacket. Here is his profile...

Name: Matt Brewster

Age: 17

Height: 6ft (though its really not important for the story)

Likes: Grunge and Heavy music. Fave bands include Korn, Linkin Park, Slipknot and Metallica. Loves photography, meat pies and Kit Kat Chunky fingers.

Dislikes: Cats, pop music, school, homework, lemon juice, gherkins, the colour pink.

- wears baggy shorts and skate shoes. Can often be seen wearing logo's like DC, Etnies, Globe.
- is the oldest of three kids, has two younger sisters.
- has attended Cable Street Grammar for all his high school life. Is considered one of the most popular guys on campus until Kirra comes to town.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM!!!!!!

not at all how i see him but still Steven Strait cant get much hotter than. But still not how i see matt! But hey did we see Edward as Henry? no!!!